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Suction Blasting Cabinet 4060

Suction Blasting Cabinet 4060- Also available as Pressure Blasting Cabinet -

The latest model 4060 is the largest suction blasting cabinet in our assortment of blasting cabinets with blasting material circulation. We do not recommend quartz sand and slag as abrasives, but you may use any other kind that is commercially available.

The blasting gun is operated by hand but can also be locked into an arbitrarily fixable nozzle holder. The blasting process can be controlled by a foot switch. Two integral gloves which are padded on the inside and coated with rubber on the outside provide a comfortable arm support.

A large window allows unhindered insight into the cabinet. Within the cabine, good and consistent illumination prevails due to the two dust-proof tubular lamps (36 W compact fluorescent lamps) made of borosilicate glass.

By a flexible hose, the blasting cabinet is connected to a separate extraction unit of the type AE-T 0,5. The extraction unit consists of a ventilator, a filter chamber with a pocket filter, a supporting frame, a manual cleaning mechanism and a dust drawer. The dusty air is cleaned within the pocket filter and afterwards released into the atmosphere.


Technical data of the blasting cabinet 
Overall size W 1650 mm x D 1430 mm x H 1970 mm
Blasting chamber W 1515 mm x D 1340 mm x H 1185 mm
Weight appr. 261 kg
Varnish  grey / blue (Extra charge for special lacquering)
Compressed air connection ½" hose
Compressed air demand see Air Table
Blasting gun works according to the venturi principle with hardened nozzle or carbide metal nozzle
Window 480 x 300 mm (Safety glass pane with foil that can be glued in)
Electrical connection 16 A / 400 V


Technical data of the extraction unit AE-T 0,5
Overall size W 810 mm x D 685 mm x H 1360 mm
Weight appr. 100,5 kg
Aspiration port Ø 100 mm
Motor 0,55 kW / 400 V / 50 Hz / 3000 U/min. / 1,38 A
Electrical connection 400 V
Varnish grey / blue
Filter material polyester needle-felt
Size of filter 5,0 m²
Air output 1000 m³/h (Ventilator output)
Compression 1150 PA
Fan impeller  Ø 180 mm x 85 mm height
Residual dust content appr. 1,0 mg / m³ (differs according to abrasive used)

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